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About The Signaling Pathways Project

The goal of the Signaling Pathways Project (SPP) knowledgebase is to allow bench researchers to routinely ask sophisticated questions of the universe of multi-omics data points generated by the cellular signaling community.

In our previous incarnation as the Nuclear Receptor Signaling Atlas (NURSA), we curated GEO-archived RNA-Seq and expression array, or transcriptomic, datasets involving genetic or small molecule manipulation of nuclear receptors. To allow researchers to mine this data, we developed the data mining tool Transcriptomine (Becnel, 2017).

To expand this initial effort we have:

The result of these efforts is the SPP (Ochsner et al., 2019). Maybe you’re wondering what genes involved in cell cycle control are regulated by FGF receptor signaling in the liver? Or what genes are most frequently regulated by leptin receptor signaling? Or what inflammatory transcription factors might be regulating genes in your gene set of interest. SPP is the place to ask these questions.

SPP is dedicated to helping researchers to make sense of the often overwhelming volume of multi-omics information in the field of cellular signaling. We invite you to follow us on Twitter and Facebook to keep up with all the latest news and to hear about upcoming community webinars in which we will be demonstrating how researchers can get the most out of SPP to validate the results of their bench experiments, generate or refine their research hypotheses, or model signaling pathways operating in their biological system of interest.

Best wishes,

Neil McKenna, Ph.D. SPP Lead Scientist
Scott Ochsner, Ph.D. SPP Biocuration Lead

About our logo: The Signaling Pathways Project logo is based upon the triskelion, a Neolithic symbol whose rotational symmetry reflects the interdependence and continuity of cellular signaling pathways.

Funding: SPP is supported by a subcontract to the NIDDK Information Network (DKNET), U24DK097771 and by a grant from the American Thyroid Association.


Becnel LB, Ochsner SA, Darlington YF, McOwiti A, Kankanamge WH, Dehart M, Naumov A , and McKenna NJ (2017) Discovering relationships between nuclear receptor signaling pathways, genes and tissues in Transcriptomine. Science Signaling. 10, eeah6275. https://10.1126/scisignal.aah6275 Ochsner SA, Abraham D, Martin K, Ding W, McOwiti A, Kankanamge W, Wang A, Andreano K, Hamilton R, Chen Y, Hamilton A, Gantner M, Dehart M, Qu S, Hilsenbeck S, Becnel L, Bridges D, Maayan A, Huss J, Stossi F, Foulds C, Kralli A, McDonnell DP and McKenna N (2018) The Signaling Pathways Project: an integrated 'omics knowledgebase for mammalian cellular signaling pathways. Sci Data. 6, 252. doi:10.1038/s41597-019-0193-4